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Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Bikers are criminals... Right?

United We Stand, Divided We Are Screwed.

This is another article I found on the Helium site.

The outlaw description of bikers is justified
by Joe Maffei
Created on: January 30, 2010

No actually it is not an accurate description of bikers. What propagates this more than anything is writers with the mentality of, "don't blame me I'm only quoting what others have said." When only one side is allowed to present a story, the other side is often not told.
The fact of the matter is, there are thousands of motorcycle clubs in the world. Most all of the three piece patch clubs have been designated by the government as Outlaw motorcycle gangs. This labeling comes with a purpose. Through this labeling they are able to persecute these people to a higher degree than the average citizen and get away with it.
Of the big four clubs, (I'll not name them, to do so in the biker world is considered rude and getting into their business) there are apt to be some criminals. Recently I read about a police officer working in concert with some club members to commit crimes. Notice I didn't say working with the clubs, but rather, some members. Well, this is in fact the case. Like it or not, not everyone in every club is a criminal. Just like not every police officer is an abusive ass bent on denying someone their civil liberties.
To say their are not some criminal activities in motorcycle clubs would not be believable because there are in all walks of life those that stray to the dark side of society. Let's take Bernard Madoff, for example. Why ole Bernie never in his life sat astride a big Harley but he sure did help to ruin hundreds of thousands of lives around the country with his schemes. How about those mortgage lenders and all their shady practices for years that have brought the housing market and the economy with it to it's knees.
I'm sure none of these guys were in motorcycle clubs, but you don't see them getting labeled as outlaws when they have done far worse to the country. Why? Well, because they wear suit and ties and do their dirty work with pens and secret deals rather than fists and chains. Personally, I have vastly more respect for the man that is going to rob you or beat you down man to man than someone that does what these other nefarious types do.
Most every biker in a club I know is a hard working guy with a family, wife, kids, moms and dads just like the rest of us. Do they play by their own rules? Sure, just like Wall Street plays by their own rules. And I can tell you bikers do far less damage to the economy, ruin far less lives, and cause vastly less damage to society than crooks in Washington or on Wall Street.
Once upon a time, when police officers rode in formation they were staggered for safety. But about the time the motorcycle clubs started riding side by side, so did the police. imitation being the greatest form of flattery you know.
And, while those dirty biker types might be big bunches of badass trouble, you sure do have a lot of doctors, lawyers, bankers, and even cops trying real hard to look just like them on the weekends. Why, even the police and fireman now have their own three piece patch clubs just like the bikers.
Maybe, if some of these writers that want to mouth what they have heard, by reading other peoples articles, got up from behind their desks, got out there and met a few bikers their attitudes might change a little bit. We can't change everyone's mind all at once, but perhaps if we could change the mind of those, "it's what I have heard or read or what the cops told me" kind of people, the image wouldn't be quite so bad.
If a black man got pulled over, just to be checked out, it is called profiling. And in this day and age, if you did it to someone of Arab decent you would be in court by the end of the week. But daily around this great free country of ours, bikers are pulled over, just based on how they look, or their club affiliation. A good portion of these guys are veterans, guys who have spent time providing this country with the very freedoms they are now denied themselves.

Being a biker does not mean you're an outlaw, and wearing colors is not a crime

A good article about the discrimination of the Biker Gang Squads can be found at:

The following 3 links are broken: when I find the info I will repost in a safe place...

Another example:

Gang Squads targeting the Royal Canadian Legion fundraisers:

Another example of Police targeting bikers at fundraisers:

It is time to stand up for our rights!

‘Hang in there’ –- J D Redneck

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